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Glam Interviews Sally Higoe
Stories of Resilience

Features personal and professional stories from various authors, highlighting key takeaways such as integrity, self-love, acceptance, and resilience in times of uncertainty. Reading this book will empower you to become more aware and resilient, a better leader yourself and assist in creating better leaders for the future.
Click here for the Kindle version

In this episode with Resilience Coach, Sally Higoe you’ll learn:
- What resilience is
- Why it is important to build resilience in your life and business
- Sally’s 3 Pillars of Resilience
- The two X-factors that make the real difference as a result of applying the 3 pillars.
Listen to Sally’s story “Living fearlessly is fearlessly living”, and take 5 minutes for you. Sally shares how you already hold the key to unlock eternal resilience.